36 Days of Type (Finalist)
Had the joy to participate in the 7th edition of 36 Days of Type and to my surprise became the top 6 finalists to win the competition sponsored by Adobe. Inspired by my 2yr old who was learning his ABC’s at the time.
Role: Art Direction & Design
Software: Cinema 4D, Octane, Photoshop
![Cinema 4D R23.110 (RC) - [A_v002.c4d ] - Main.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62e2f2096dd45b19a5bfc9ef/8ea47688-be8f-477d-8c48-300523af0bcd/Cinema+4D+R23.110+%28RC%29+-+%5BA_v002.c4d+%5D+-+Main.jpg)
![Cinema 4D R23.110 (RC) - [N_v002.c4d ] - Main.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62e2f2096dd45b19a5bfc9ef/c5cfe26b-b029-4751-b919-f6c010c0d0f3/Cinema+4D+R23.110+%28RC%29+-+%5BN_v002.c4d+%5D+-+Main.jpg)